Legal Information

Legal information according to German law

About the company

® is a branch of
Kutura GmbH
Oberaltenallee 20a
22081 Hamburg

Handelsregister Hamburg, HRB 95084
Steuernummer 43/740/00336
USt-Id DE246174725

General Manager: Stefan Mintert

Phone / Mail see Contact

Responsible for the site contents (ยง 10 Absatz 3 MDStV): Stefan Mintert


Linkwerk® is a registered Trademark.

This website is protected by copyright law. All rights reserved. No part of this website or the content on it may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without our prior written consent.

The website is for information purposes only and is provided "as is". We accept no liability for the accuracy, completeness, currency or truth (save for fraudulent representations) of any of the information contained in the website. Nothing contained on the website shall be deemed to be an offer by us to you or any other person.

Get in touch now

hello2017 (at) +49 40 69 66 48 - 0